EGGCELLENT ADVENTURES Ep. 44 Winter Prep Minisode
We dive into winter prep for your backyard flock. Especially for those who are dealing with their first winter! Winter prep
- Water very important
- Heated dishes
- Buckets
- Heated hose
- Ample feed
- Switch from layer feed if they are all in molt
- Corn will help heat bodies up
MOST chickes are built for cold
- Desiger breeds can get frost bite on those big head feathers (polish and bantams)
o Dust
o Feathers
o Jumpy birds
can all cause fires!!!
can all cause fires!!!
- IF you just MUST use heat, use a heat plate NOT A HOT PLATE THAT YOU COOK ON
- A heat plate that you would use for a brooder box, Cozy Chick makes one
Creators and Guests

Reec Swiney
wingman extraordinaire (professional chicken wrangler) - Proud Dad, learn from my Dad! ig @ReecSwiney tiktok @blackYardChickenz. oh I do radio too 😁