EGGCELLENT ADVENTURES Ep. 31 Brandon Sanders of Sander's Wildlife
This episode was WILD, literally! Branden Sanders of Sanders Wildlife came through and shared some of his Eggcellent Adventures as a certified wildlife rescue and rehab guru. Everything from endangered species of skunk that hitched a 12 hour ride in a tractor trailer, to a melanated coyote that went viral for breaking into homes just o make friends with pet dogs! We even got the feel-good origin stories of how he fell in love with wild life. I hope you’re ready for this Eggcellent Adventure!
Creators and Guests

Reec Swiney
wingman extraordinaire (professional chicken wrangler) - Proud Dad, learn from my Dad! ig @ReecSwiney tiktok @blackYardChickenz. oh I do radio too 😁

Brandon Sanders, Sanders Wildlife
Humane Wildlife Management, Education, and Rescue Services provided. Now Servicing Atlanta, Metro Atlanta, West Ga...