EGGCELLENT ADVENTURES Ep. 27 Rai of Covid Cluckers
Meet Rai of @CovidCluckers! She is an amazing content creator who is extremely popular on social media for her "poultry post". Yes the Covid Cluckers that has been mentioned in several episodes on Eggcellent Adventures by other guest. She is spreading valuable chicken care tips all while making compelling and entertaining content with her backyard flock in Maryland. Take a listen as she and Reec talk chicken math, genetics and more!
Creators and Guests

Reec Swiney
wingman extraordinaire (professional chicken wrangler) - Proud Dad, learn from my Dad! ig @ReecSwiney tiktok @blackYardChickenz. oh I do radio too 😁

Practical chicken keeping and fun. Join the adventures of chickens raised during COVID-19!