EGGCELLENT ADVENTURES Ep. 23 Mulberry Farms - Turkey Talk, 4H & Show Pigs
Reec gets the chance to speak with Marryann Zimmerman of Mulberry Farms located in Wisconsin. She has a wide variety of farm animals including chickens, ducks, turkey, pigs and is preparing for goats. She has found a way to fund all of her kids show animals through the sale of berries that they grow on their 9 acre estate. In addition to being a wife, mom, homesteader, business woman and social media star, she is also an elected official for the school board. She is a heavy supporter of agricultural education in schools. Listen to her journey from the city to 9 acres and what's next for Mulberry Farms!
Creators and Guests

Reec Swiney
wingman extraordinaire (professional chicken wrangler) - Proud Dad, learn from my Dad! ig @ReecSwiney tiktok @blackYardChickenz. oh I do radio too 😁