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this weeks episode features an interview with Heath, owner of City Chick. City chick was once a chicken coop & chicken rental company for urban residents with chicken ...

Latest Episodes
Eggcellent Adventures Ep. 52 Ft. Dustin of Oak N Egg
By day, he's a scientist—by afternoon, he's a dedicated chicken tender! In this episode, we dive into the fascinating journey of Dustin and his wife, Lee, as they navi...

Ep. 51 Ft. Game Fowl Conservation
Welcome to season 3 of Eggcellent Adventures! We kicked off this season by dispelling rumors about "game cocks", diving deep into the world of conservation, show chick...

Ep. 50 - REWIND - Ft. Dr. Patrick Biggs @PurinaFeedGreatness
Reec has a dynamic talk with Dr. Patrick Biggs, PH. D. a leading name in poultry nutrition. Dr. Biggs is currently the lead man at Purina when it comes to developing "...

Ep. 49 - REWIND - Ft. Lisa Steele @FreshEggsDaily
a conversation with Lisa Steele, author of Fresh Eggs Daily, TV host of Welcome To My FarmOn this episode of Eggcellent Adventures with Reec, we are joined with Lisa S...

Ep. 48 REWIND - Ft. Demond @wolflakefarm
On this episode of Eggcellent Adventures with Reec Swiney, we got an in depth look at Wolf Lake farms in Texas while conversing with Demond. He and his family own a ...